Tuesday, July 10, 2012

On We Thought; When We Wanted To

maritime measures of memory
bring forth waves of your essence past
as a tundra breeze
soothes sun scorched skin
and I am fortunate

where can I take someone
who has seen the far reaches of the world?
the answer is here
amidst acres of cherry blossoms
you dance in swirly bliss rotation
i sit and meditate on the aromatic aura

cloudless. no omens ill or not.
no crowded streets. no seemingly rigged street lights.
no streets at all. no street signs at all.
no street signs at all.

adrift in our own utopia, population two
just one tree in the entire field
just one tree, olive, in the entire meadow
the wind tickles us only when we want it to
a humorous yet gallant stork brings us our meals
three friendly moles collect our scraps and garbage and take it somewhere underground

too perfect is the only perfect
or else how would it be perfect?

clouds bring shade when we need it
and make shapes only we both recognize
it drizzles politely on occasion

the temperature varies to remind us of change
the humidity wanes in and out to remind us of texture
never uncomfortable

we find joy with our limited possessions;
a swing off of a branch,
a bronze telescope,
a boomerang,
a deck of cards,
and a bag of other things you have,
and a bag of other things I have;
we forgot the meaning of boredom

there is a pond


and we are a positive part of all the creatures' world around us
delicately, because of our presence

intriguing ant hills
a single spider we decided not to kill that humbly inhabits the north face of the tree
friendly caterpillars that crawl the bark
yet, I have never seen a butterfly

we wonder why sometimes for hours
because it is the perfect thing to do sometimes
a life without thought would be dreary
and our faculties would erode

when we decided that this was the reason there were no butterflies
a cocoon was found the next morning
but the spider was gone

and a few leaves had fallen to the ground

and on we thought
when, of course, we wanted to

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