Sunday, April 8, 2012

Yo. Free Verse/Part-Time Lunatic - 2 hours

shoddy bouncin' ball
from one of those Quarter-Machine s
I sat solemnly seduced, sending it soaring toward a statue of Apollo

utterly captivated  as it collided
and then 
~~~~~an addict for physics~

~~~~~[                             ]~add this to your wishlist~~{  }~

back and forth in this musty museum
with this pale blue, greasy-to-the-touch rubber chunk
adrift in my own haze - a maze - chucking to and fro for days? - amazed

residual embers from a beautiful blaze

clasped in my primary palm
made the motion to send it gone
thwud as it thwud Beauty in the dick  
thwud as it thwud - caught

clasped in my primary palm
made the motion to send it gone
swhooo as it missed
blunt: so damn zoned I didn't even notice
stupid: made the motion to send it gone
waking up: where the fuck did my ball go?
rising to my feet in this dim, cavernous place
noticing just now the bronze tiles beneath my toes
noticing just now I'm not wearing any shoes
noticing just now how cold barefootedness can be
off a cloud and noticing just now 
almost there
almost completely standing
then Apollo belted a verse

"I don't always keep my bow strung
arrows are not always nocked
you best now be going - look at the clock
you're supposed to be at a meeting - and you're the boss"

and I tripped
yeah, tripped
and fell, skidding on my knees
on that polished, reflective floor
noticing just now the smell of Mr. Clean
noticing just now the culprit of sorts
a pale blue, greasy-to-the-touch rubber chunk

recollecting I have a meeting
the details unimportant
hurriedly finding my black dress shoes in the northeast corner of this atrium-opposite
(no windows)
over them draped my solid cobalt necktie

pale blue shoddy bouncin' ball
etching into where interior embers sizzed
a desire to remain here until the end

clasped in my primary palm
into my pocket it went, along with other things 
it is my favorite thing - my favorite thing
my love for it and for physics
for motion
for its particular whispy whirl
for in it, I see a 
sparing Apollo of my post perceptions, I set off

with intentions of returning

as soon as possible

"Just let me know when, Apollo."

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